Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer What is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is indeed one of the most prevalent cancers among males worldwide. The prostate gland, located beneath the bladder and surrounding the urethra, plays a crucial role in male reproductive function. It is regulated by testosterone and produces seminal fluid, which carries sperm during ejaculation. When abnormal and…

Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Men’s Health To improve men’s health, raising awareness about preventive and regular healthcare for men of all ages is crucial. Men face higher risks of severe diseases such as heart disease, lung cancer, and HIV. Men often avoid visiting doctors and ignore unusual symptoms, contributing to women typically living longer. Here are steps men can…

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System The male reproductive system comprises internal and external organs involved in sexual function, reproduction, and urination. These organs produce sperm and semen, which can fertilise a female’s ovum (egg) during sexual intercourse, leading to conception. In addition to their role in reproduction, the male reproductive organs produce hormones crucial for developing sexual…

Male Menopause

Male Menopause

Male Menopause What is the male menopause? “Male menopause,” commonly referred to as andropause, describes an age-related reduction in testosterone levels in cisgender males. Signs of andropause include fatigue, insomnia, mood changes, and a potential impact on fertility. Andropause typically involves a decrease in testosterone production in men aged 50 or older and is often…

Swollen Testicles

Swollen Testicles

Swollen Testicles What causes the scrotum to swell? Scrotal swelling is an enlargement of the scrotal sac, or scrotum, which houses the testicles. It can be caused by injury, an underlying medical condition, a buildup of fluid, inflammation, or an abnormal growth within the scrotum. The swelling may be painless or very painful. Scrotal swelling…

Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone What is testosterone? Testosterone is a hormone that can affect appearance and sexual development, stimulate sperm production and sex drive, and help build muscle and bone mass. It is typically produced by the testicles in men. Males may experience low testosterone as they get older or due to some health conditions. Symptoms can…